I've been lootmaster for a while now, and let me tell you it's not an easy job!
I've been delegated this simply because out of all the regular officers, I have the most stable connection. I took the time to learn it and I figure I'm the least temperamental of the officers lolz.
Since I started doing loot, my heals have gone down, I spent most of my time in raids talking to people regarding the loot system and addons. Specially since we got a good number of new people and addon updates are aplenty now with the 3.1 bug fixes.
What gets me most is loot drama. I mean that's why there is a system in place to minimize drama! I don't know if EPGP has a bug but a specific member of ours wasn't on the PR list when he should be. His name just doesn't show up.
I told him to get the updated version of the addon and he said he has it. He messaged me and the GM saying that he should have gotten the ring. I told him, your EPGP doesn't work and it shouldn't be my problem if you don't have it ! Of course I didn't say that literally, but along the lines hehe!
For the person who just received the loot, it sucks to receive something then have to ticket it to another person. Kinda like you won the lottery, but you have to give the money back because they messed up the spelling of the name of the winner.
For me, loot is easy to get. Just run it a couple of times and you'll get it. Causing stress and drama is so not worth it. It's just too much trouble for so little reward!
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