As with any patch day, world server is going up and down. Old and new players are logging on all at the same time and the servers just can't handle it. Orgrimmar's at a snail pace, Dalaran you can barely move. People are forming pugs to do VoA, Ulduar 10 and 25 and then they get stuck! lol!
Ascent got into Ulduar 25m soon as the servers went up, and from what I hear they've only managed to down Flame Leviathan. 2 of the first four bosses are unkillable (bugged) and Ulduar is laggy and buggy as hell. Oh and they're stuck there, can't port out, can't mage port and can't hearth! damn! They must be pissed as hell!
Most of my guildmates are asking if we're gonna do 25m Ulduar this weekend. Probably, maybe was my answer. I figure if it's this laggy on a weekday, what more over the weekend right? But then again we are a morning raiding guild so... we'll see!
Got my dual-spec up and running. I saw it over PTR so it wasn't anything new. What I thought they'd integrate into it is automatic gear change. Like if you swap to a different spec, the gear that u use automatically equips. Outfitter, re-spec rolled into one. Maybe in the future.
Also they should put an icon in your main window if you're in your main spec or offspec, it got confusing. I was checking out why my heals was about 200 less spell damage, turned out I was in prot spec. lolz!
Most of my old add-ons are working. I have to see later if EPGP add-on works fine in 3.1 otherwise I would have to manually calculate the priorities if we do manage to down a 25m Ulduar boss this weekend. Eek ! Math! Pally power works fine, so does dottimers. I figure the hardest hit add-ons are Deadly Boss Mods ( of course they have to fine tune the boss timings ), UI add-ons like XPerl.
Overall a good patch day for Blizz, just an extended maintenance and a laggy first day. Although people inside Ulduar definitely think otherwise, lolz! Then again, I figure they must be used to it by now being the Guild who usually downs these raids first.
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