Friday night we made a 10man Ulduar team to see how we're going to handle Saturday's 25m. Most of the class leaders were there and the officers. Good thing we did that coz, it wouldn't be good to see everyone floundering about in the 25m tom. We figured out how trash worked on the way to Flame Leviathan. How the vehicles respawn when you wipe and that there is a repair guy right beside the vehicles. Little things like that matter in leading 25man.
I got to use the motorcycle!!! Never thought I would, always thought I'll be a passenger being catapaulted to the turret. Lol! It was sweet, I set it on auto-run and just weave thru everything. slick and sonic!
We wiped a few times of course. Mainly on trash! People were still having fun on their vehicles trying it out and not knowing what to do with trash. Plus it was a bit late to know that there's a repair platform for the vehicles. Wiped 2x on Flame but otherwise it was good. We got Ironsoul
and Firestrider Chestguard
We decided to try Razorscale but our main tanks kept on disconnecting, so we called it and maybe we'll try again tomorrow. It's a morale boost for everyone. I'm hoping it will be as well tomorrow for the 25m.
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