Tabard - All reputation gains while in level 85 Cataclysm dungeons will be applied to your standing with them.
Some claim that you can use your tabards and gain reputation for your respective faction even while on normal dungeons, but officially it has been stated for use only on Heroic Dungeons. Almost all of the factions have tabards that can be purchased with a Friendly reputation and a little bit of gold.
Helm enchants and Shoulder enchants are also available in these factions.
Guardians of Hyjal (lvl 80-82)
Location: Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal
Quartermaster: Provisioneer Whitecloud, Nordrassil Inn
Tabard: Yes
Daily Quests: None
Rewards: view listInfo:
- The Mt. Hyjal Quartermaster is located in the building after you land in the area just enter there and he is somewhere on the right.
Earthen Ring (lvl 82-83)
Location: Vashj'ir
Quartermaster: Provisioneer Arok, Silver Tide Hollow
Tabard: Yes
Dailies: None
Rewards: view list
Ramkahen (lvl 83-84)
Location: Uldum -Ramkahen
Quartermaster: Blacksmith Abasi, Ramkahen
Tabard: Yes
- Reins of the Brown Riding Camel
- Reins of the Tan Riding Camel
Rewards: view list
- Quest hub in early Uldum leveling; begin gaining reputation throughout the questing experience. Quartermaster becomes available sometime in the early portions of Uldum.
- Dailies: 1 South East of Ramkahen.
Therazane (lvl 82-83)
Tabard: Yes
Daily Quests:
- Beneath the Surface
- Fear of Boring
- Fungal Fury
- Glop, Son of Glop
- Lost in the Deeps
- Motes
- Soft Rock
- The Restless Brood
- Through Persistence
- Underground Economy
Rewards: view list
- Earn reputation during the main Deepholm quest chain,access dailies and quartermaster upon completion of restoring the world pillar.
- Dailies: 5 per day, Total 1250 per day up until Revered, additional quest(s) at that point
Dragonmaw Clan (lvl 84-85)
Location: Twilight Highlands
Quartermaster: Grot Deathblow, Bloodgulch
Tabard: Yes
Rewards: view listInfo:
Hellscream's Reach (Battle 80+, Peninsula 83+)
Location: Tol Barad Peninsula
Location: Tol Barad Peninsula
Quartermaster: Craw MacGraw, Thundermar
Tabard: No
Dailies: view list
- Reins of the Drake of the West Wind
- Reins of the Spectral Steed
Rewards: view list
- Dailies: 6 on island when your faction controls it and an additional 5 on the peninsula at any time.
- Similar to Wintergrasp. Tol Barad battles start at regular scheduled times. Whoever wins the battle holds the area for the specified duration.