Wednesday night, I rushed home to catch the 10M Ulduar raid. Logged in at exactly 11 to see that the raid is full :( Got a little miffed 'coz I skipped my scheduled overtime to get home asap. I was on standby so it wasn't anyone's fault.
I saw a pug forming at Dalaran for 25VoA and since I wasn't raiding that night, I joined in. It took an hour to get the raid going. People are now wary against VoA pugs whereas before you can do it with a couple of people in greens. First pull wasn't pretty. Tanks died before they even got to their spot. Uh-oh right?
We tried a second time, BOOM! Emalon died like a pansy! Woot! Was I surprised? YES!! I've been to so many pugs for VoA and they all ended with a big fat repair bill. And now we two-shot it? My faith in pugs have been restored somewhat lol!
Loot time! It was depressingly all PVP gear! Save for a ret pally and DK pants :( Boo! Nevertheless sweet still! My very first Badge of Conquest!

Then a spot opened up for Ulduar 10M, one of the healers had to log off. I arrived and they were working on XT, took us 8 tries for that piece of jellybean! Finally figured out that we were doing hard-mode instead of normal lol! In the end we downed XT-002 by not range dps'ing the heart but let them focus on adds. We got the achievement too for not dying on gravity bombs! Armbands of the Construct and Vest of the Glowing Crescent dropped but i figure my Bracers of Liberation are still good. Difference between 3 iLevels is kinda small to re-enchant ! Yeah, I know, I'm a cheapskate!
Good night for my pally's progression raid!
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