It payed out well! Last night was our very first attempt as a group of local (RL) friends. We only had 1 wipe per boss due to misunderstandings, failed readychecks and basically getting the attempt down.
We got Flame Lev, XT-0002 which we only downed once ever! Razorscale who's been creaming our butt since we started doing 10mans, and Kologarn, our first guild attempt ever!
For XT-002 we got 1 healer on main tank, 2 heals on raid and on OT on the adds. DPS on the heart til it got to 10% then just focus on adds. Maybe we'll attempt hard mode some other time hehe! Everyone got the gravity bombs pretty well.
Razorscale! This dragon wrecked our gear over and over before we finally got some solid advice from another guild. We range dps on right side, melee on the left. Range should dps sentinel asap and melee should interrupt chain lightning. 2 Turrets should be fired at the same time. Once Razorscale lands, burn him while dps'ing on her side. No one should be on her tail or in front of her. 3rd phase Tanks need to kite her in a circle kind of like Grobbulus in Nax then switch aggro with the OT soon as he has 2 debuffs while kiting, like Gluth. From here on it's tank and spank but make sure to burn him fast.
Last night's Kologarn was our first guild attempt. I've healed on this guy on a pug but I didn't catch when the tanks should switch aggro on the body and the right arm. Anyway, our first attempt, since we're all pretty fuzzy on this guy, Raid lead decided to let the MT tank the body and the right arm. Tank charged and we all died! Lol.
So try # 2 I told him to let the OT tank the left arm and MT on the body, switch aggro at some point ( I let the tanks decide this haha ) while the OT grabs adds. Laser beamed like Superman ( our raid lead's words lol ) were to go to the stairs while melee have to just move away from group. Pally heals on the MT, shammy on the OT and priest on raid heals. Of course we try to help out as much as we can on the stone gripped. Oh, I forgot to mention at some point, Kologarn grabs one of you and holds you in his hand. This has to be healed by the healers. It's not like Ignis that you can heal yourself in the cauldron.
We were all surprised that we got to Kolo on our first attempt. Honestly We've been trying Ulduar 10man a couple of times with a different guild group and it always was a fail. I guess it really must be synergy between friends and knowing how to work well with your raiders. Also, all of the raiders we had were quick to learn, know how to adjust and plays their characters well.
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