After a few weeks of not raiding, I finally pugged Heroic EoE and got him down after 3 tries. Sweet actually coz most pugs don't even reach phase 3 on the first try! I already gave up hope on getting the Hnaxx key quest reward before running this raid.
The group was awesome, minus a few dps that had to run towards every shield instead of waiting for every other one to maximize their dps. Phase 3 and we were all huddled up! 3-4 healers got the revivify and the aoe heals down pat so it was all left to the dps to huddle up and pawn Malygos! We got him and as soon as he died, I died too!
Of course people were in a hurry to get loot so a couple looted before others rezzed but we were all the instance so no problem right? I walked back and voila! I was dead again! EoE is bugged apparently so the loot master said to wait for loot before rezzing. Once loot was done, I walked back again to rez and I couldn't click the Heart of Malygos! Dammit! I relogged to see if it would work, and I died yet again! I zoned in once more and clicked still no Heart!
Time to send a ticket to the GM! Posted it and saw the cue time. Jeez 1 hr and 55min! I tried clicking the portal to go back to Coldarra. Dud! I tried dismounting and hearthing, still Duds! Frustrated as hell I left the raid group and I got ported to the graveyard. Hearthed to Dalaran and repaired. Got a smacking 38gold repair just for zoning in and out of EoE!
It's frustrating and irritating as hell that they can't fix simple raids like these. Don't get me started on the Obsidian Sanctum Flame Wall bug! Oh and the Heroic Violet Hold portal keeper that wants to hide underground! Blizz has been too busy concentrating on Ulduar and Argent Tournament that simple bugs like these have been in game since 3.1 came out! It's been a couple of weeks and still no fixes!
I understand that Blizz has been trying to keep players happy with the new raid and PVP tournament but I hope they maintain their not-so-old raids to keep non-progression people satisfied too.
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