Have you ever noticed how small it is in your realm? That sooner or later you're bound to run or raid with your friends and foes randomly? I figure that about a hundred people are in my realm and they're just cycling through different characters.
Last night, I ran a couple of raids with pugs and most of them I know from having pugged over and over again. Then a 10man E0E was up in the trades channel looking for a DPS. Since my warlock has never seen a dead Malygos, I pm'd the raid lead and got invited. Turns out the raid was ran by a couple of people formerly from our guild. I was tempted to leave the raid but I figure it wasn't me who left the guild and I shouldn't feel bad about it. I stayed and it was definitely awkward for me.
They recognized me and one raider said hi in vent and I just said hi back. After that I was silent the whole raid, making sure I was doing great in EoE. I didn't ask them why they left or why they didn't have the decency to be honest about leaving. I just played. I understand that people should play for themselves to have fun but after a couple of months of giving your time and effort for the benefit of the guild the least they can offer you is honesty.
I'm not mad at them for leaving, it is the constant thing in this game I suppose. People come and people go. I'm just glad our 10 are RL friends and no matter how tempting it might be to join a new or better guild, we 10 stick together.
At least for now...
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