Since Cataclysm has been released, I'm sure you've found yourself maximizing your tool bars. For the average player, add-ons that customize your User Interface or UI may seem too complicated. I've made a few macros along the way to free up some space for my spell buffs. After all, you only cast them once every 30 minutes! Why bother to put all of them on your toolbars when you can make them into 1 macro!
Self Buffs!
#showtooltip self buffs
/castsequence reset=target/player,4 Fel Armor, Soul Link, Create Healthstone
This macro just casts all the essential self buffs once you step into your dungeon. Fel Armor for spellpower, Soul Link if you are Demonology spec, Create Healthstone ( if you're being selfish and don't want to share! ) You can essentially use this for grinding as well.
Just spam this macro/spell 4x and presto your done!
Party Buffs!
#showTooltip Master Healthstone /yell Click and get your Candy Fix! /cast Ritual of souls
If you are in a party, this macro casts Ritual of souls for your group and yells it to the group. Sometimes people need to see it in chatbox just to remind them to click !
Give Haste and Die Peacefully!
#showtooltip Soulstone /castsequence reset=target/player, Dark Intent, Create Soulstone, Soulstone
Give your healer additional 3% haste to heal you faster and a Soulstone too all in one go. Spam the macro 3x to get the full effect!
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