I got dismayed with my Warlock's DPS while running Tol'vir. Lousy 6K! Add to that, some RL stuff has been on my mind for the past month that I can't seem to find the solution to. So, for therapy, I leveled Alchemy! I posted before that the herbs I gathered on my priest weren't enough and I was so stressed that I shopped on the Auction House - the RL equivalent of shopping at boutique shops where prices are through the roof!
Kept my eyes closed every time I click on the Buy button. Closed bags too so I won't see how much money I was spending! Ka-ching! 525!
So excited to see my new Alchemy mount! I rushed to the trainer to see if I could learn it from him. Wait, how come he doesn't have it? Hmm.. Maybe I should do some research on who to learn the spell from.
I'm sure if you're up to date with the pet and mounts in WoW, by now you'd be shaking your head at me! Totally noob moment, I know!

Vial of the Sands
Requires Level 80
Requires Riding (225)
Item Level 85
Use: Teaches you how to transform into a dragon, allowing you to fly very fast and carry an ally on your back.
Sell Price: 25 g
Illustrious Grand Master alchemists will be able to transform into a flying dragon that will be able to carry another person. This mount costs 29,000 in vendor materials, in addition to 8 each of 2 types of max-level flasks, 8 fish oils, as well as 12 bars of Truegold. The recipe for this mount is received through max-level archeology sites, inside an item called a 'Canopic Jar'. The recipe only appears for grand master alchemists (alchemy level 450 or greater)
- WoWwiki
As of December 14, Blizz made a hot fix making Alchemy mount the new Mechano-hog / Mekgineer Chopper. You don't need to be an alchemist or an archaeologist to be able to USE mount! you can just purchase the mats below and have them made by an alchemist with the recipe. Of course don't forget the tip!
BUT... If you want to make the mount and sell them, here are the requirements:
You need 525 Alchemy and Archaeology.
The Recipe is obtained through Archeology and learned through Alchemy. It is contained in the Tol'Vir Common Artifact Canopic Jar. The recipe has lower drop rate so you might have to farm the jar a bit. You need 450 Archeology to find Tol'Vir artifacts and they are in Uldum. (Omg!!!)
The Sand and Pyrium Laced Vial can be purchased from Yasmin in Uldum. She's at the top left corner of the "T" shaped lake North West of Uldum.
Vendor mats
• 1 x Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial (5000g buy price)
• 8 x Sands of Time (750g sell-price x 4 = 3000g buy-price)
---> 3000 each x 8 = 24,000g
Alchemy mats
• 12 x Truegold
---> (3 x Pyrium bars) x 12 = 36 Pyrium Bars
==} (2 x Pyrite Ore) x 36 = 72 Pyrite Ore
---> (10 x Volatile Air) x 12 = 120 Volatile Air
---> (10 x Volatile Fire) x 12 = 120 Volatile Fire
---> (10 x Volatile Water) x 12 = 120 Volatile Water
• 8 x Flask of the Winds
---> (6 x Volatile Life) x 8 = 48 Volatile Life
---> (12 x Azshara’s Veil) x 8 = 96 Azshara’s Veil
---> (12 x Whiptail) x 8 = 96 Whiptail
---> (1 x Crystal Vial) x 8 = 8 Crystal Vial
• 8 x Flask of Titanic Strength
---> (6 x Volatile Life) x 8 = 48 Volatile Life
---> (12 x Cinderbloom) x 8 = 96 Cinderbloom
---> (12 x Whiptail) x 8 = 96 Whiptail
---> (1 x Crystal Vial) x 8 = 8 Crystal Vial
• 8 x Deepstone Oil
---> (1 x Albino Cavefish) x 8 = 8 Albino Cavefish
• 29,000g
• 72 Pyrium Ore
• 120 Volatile Air
• 120 Volatile Fire
• 120 Volatile Water
• 96 Volatile Life
• 96 Azshara’s Veil
• 96 Cinderbloom
• 192 Whiptail
• 16 Crystal Vial
• 8 Albino Cavefish
Tips and cheats!
1.) Long LFG? If you're an herbalist this is the perfect time to pick flowers while doing your dailies.
2.) If you are an elixir master it may not cost you this much of the material based on the number of elixir master procs you get. If not, go respec!
3.) If you're not in a hurry, you can respec to Transmutation, make Truegold and sell them. On our Auction house, they sell for 1k each! You can also sell your transmute cool downs.
4.) Make a goblin alt, transfer 23,200 gold to him/her and have him summoned to Uldum to where Yasmin is. You get 20% discount because of it's racial.
5.) [Bartering] Guild Perk lvl 24 gives you an additional 10% discount. So make sure to have your goblin alt invited to the guild before you purchase! Buy the vendor mats. You save about 9,800g just by doing #4 and #5.
6.) BEG! Every little bit counts! LoL!
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