We finally got Thorim down last night after 3 tries on last night's raid. After being raped a couple of times, it was pretty awesome. We finally got the groups down pat. Warrior tank with mage, rogue hunter pally and priest on circle, Druid, ret pally, elems shammy and healing shammy on the hallway.
Healing in the circle was pretty intense as dps tend to get aggro from AoE. Deafening Thunder is also a pain in the neck for holy pallies. This is where Aura Mastery helps. I usually pop it when either the tank is going down or when the other priest healer with me is near dead. We also solved the AoE aggro issue by letting our warrior tank thunderclap then single targetting the bigger adds. I pop sacred shield on the mage most of the time with Holy Shock to defuse the damage.
After Thorim we went to Freya. Trash in Ulduar is definitely harder than the boss! We got a couple of tries on her and called it a day since most have work the next day. We resume next week hopefully we progress on to Freya and Mimiron by then.
Healing in the circle was pretty intense as dps tend to get aggro from AoE. Deafening Thunder is also a pain in the neck for holy pallies. This is where Aura Mastery helps. I usually pop it when either the tank is going down or when the other priest healer with me is near dead. We also solved the AoE aggro issue by letting our warrior tank thunderclap then single targetting the bigger adds. I pop sacred shield on the mage most of the time with Holy Shock to defuse the damage.
After Thorim we went to Freya. Trash in Ulduar is definitely harder than the boss! We got a couple of tries on her and called it a day since most have work the next day. We resume next week hopefully we progress on to Freya and Mimiron by then.