Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sombrero Party!

Sombrero party

Found my old pic, got my Don Carlos hat boots vest and gloves, fiesta time!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Raiding without your GM


WoW stress. Our GM took a long deserved break and left the raid lead duties to us low ranking slacker officers. Haha! 2 of our officers couldn't make it the first week, so we were down to 3. Thank god the third is talkative vent. For the life of me, I can't talk in vent without stuttering. English is not my primary language so I have to find the words sometimes specially when you have to things in a nicer way so as not to offend anyone.

We usually raid F,Sat,Sun. Friday was a disaster! 6 of us couldn't make it because it was an RL friend's birthday and he's also one of the top dps in our raid. This coincided with the first day that the GM is not online. So raid was cancelled on the spot :(

I log Saturday and Sunday to announce that raid is on and invites are going out. Then a couple whispered me, oh i thought we weren't raiding this weekend so i helped a friend do hnax. I was, " ok... " We did H-OS 1 drake up. It was supposed to be 2 drakes but we made a mistake on killing the wrong dragon ><><

We only got 2 1/2 quarters down :(


I hope more people come next week. It's a pain to 18man hnaxx even if people are uber or not.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

WotLK 3.1 comes

It is upon us.

Wrath of the Lich King 3.1 Ulduar is fast approaching! With the massive changes to gameplay, nerfs and buffs all around, more and more people are in LFG farming Emblems for their dual spec!

My BE paladin has been holy since TBC came out. Levelling as ret, then raiding full time as Holy. The pains of healing heroics before the Bacon, before DP, before AoE glyph is still fresh. The helplessness you feel when u have to choose who to heal and who dies.

People always say paladin's are the easiest healing class to play. Just mash FoL, HL and ur done. Nuh uh! Think heroic HoL, UP, CoS, AN. Most of the current Heroic dungeons have AoE damage now. You have to be quick on deciding who gets healed first, who to BoP and who to leave behind as skeletons.

On raiding, 99% you're on main tank heals. That means, if the tank dies, it's your fault and you wipe the whole raid. It doesn't matter if your main tank is OP, undergeared, or just a plain noob. It stilll is your fault.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love healing. Nothing is ever the same. The only thing constant other than keeping the tank alive is u have to heal ret pallies, or they kill themselves haha! But sometimes I wish I could stop staring at the little boxes on your left and see the game more.

For 3 weeks now, I have been looking at my ret and prot gear trying to decide which of the two I'd have more fun with. I even asked my guildmates and my honey ( he plays a feral tank ) which spec they see me best.

One said, " But, you're a good healer..."
Subtly means, "Noooo, don't re-spec at all!!!" >.<

My BF says to go ret for questing, and I go "Why? We're 80!"
Imo, he thinks I suck at tanking, which at the moment, I do :(

Now I can just stay ret for an easy-peasy no brainer secondary spec, but nooo, I HAVE to go Prot just to prove him and myself wrong!!!

Being the only healadin who regularly goes to raids on my guild, I know I won't make much use of the prot dual spec in raiding when 3.1 comes out. Unless there's suddenly has a surplus of healers in my guild who regularly comes to raid! We have tons of healers, yes. But no one comes to raids!!!

Why? Beats me!

So, while the devs are still busy tweaking and nerfing the socks out of us, I WILL build my prot set and my BF WILL heal for me!

Now if only I can get the Red Sword of Courage to drop from H UP without people ignoring/kicking me from LFG for being a noob tank


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WoW addiction

WoW addiction has been well-documented. From suicides to social alienation, to child abuse and homicide. You can see this on the news and the paper, but somehow you feel that you're not part of this problem. You say, that's normal, that there are tons of idiots out there who can't control their game time and it's totally not a problem in your set of friends.

So when I heard the news that a fellow guildy's family has done an intervention, I was shocked! This is a person you talk to and play with daily, a great player who knows all the fights, what to do and you think they have it together. The family came to the house ( I won't be stating details to protect the person's identity ) threw out ALL that is related to this addiction, EVEN the person's social friends who are into the game!

I know most WoW players don't think they're hooked into this game until you ask them. So I began to take a mental note of all my RL friends who play and see how high their level of addiction is.

2 almost didn't graduate from college because of wow
1 didn't finish his thesis in time for the deadline and has to repeat a term
3 don't tell their girlfriends that they're playing and not "studying" at home
1 goes to work late regularly because he sleeps til 6am playing
2 couples fight unnecessarily
and 1 levelled all classes to 70 during TBC then deleted a 67 toon because he can't fit all his Alts in one server account.

Now reading the list again, It's a big whopper to take in. Most of us we're sucked into the vortex that is WoW through conversation, and that 10 day trial account! I personally got into WoW coz that was what my BF talked about all the time with his friends. Rather than be out of place, I tried the game. >.< And it's hard to stop playing when all of the friends you hang out with are playing.

But sooner or later, one of us has to stop and say, " It's time to stop playing and focus on our lives."

I just hope it's soon.